Newsletter | August 2023

Introducing the Frank and Glory Newsletter

We know that it can be difficult to keep up-to-date with information and events tailored to professionals at collecting organizations.

This is why we developed the F+G Newsletter!




You'll get links to valuable articles and tools that came across our desks since the last newsletter.

Check out this recent publication: History Organizations and Friends Groups: A Practical Guide for Success Developed alongside colleagues from the AASLH Standards and Ethics Committee, State Historical Administrators Meeting, and Public History Research Lab.

Grants + Learning Opportunities

This section will feature upcoming grant deadlines and webinars or other professional development opportunities coming up in the next few months.

Check out this online Course: Collections Management 100 - Collection Development (Fall 2023) American Association for State and Local History


Here we'll talk about what we're working on or recently completed.

Read our recent case study: Stone Quarry Hill Art Park What are the implications of a contemporary artist residency operating an historic house museum?

And maybe some cats…

Cats in visual resources are a little bit of a joke with Erin. They sometimes sneak in because cats do what they want.

During a recent trip to Hemingway Home in Key West, we toured the property in company of over 50 feline friends… or foes?


What else would you like to see in the F+G Newsletter?

Let us know here.

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