Our services


We are specialists

Frank and Glory specializes in responsible, sustainable, collection management for mid-sized museums, specialized archives, and private collections. Together, we will design project outcomes that are solution-oriented and budget-friendly.


What we help with


Data Entry

Tidy data is an excellent tool to build your collection department's capacity. We use a variety of assessment and cleanup tools to harmonize and standardize your existing documentation.


Collection Management

Whether your policy is outdated or yet-to-be-created, this foundational document creates clear communication for all stakeholders about what is in the collection,  how those materials support the museum’s mission, and how it is equitably and transparently developed and shared.


Project design
and management

Make the best of "excellent opportunity, uncomfortable timeline" situations by opening your view past the immediate problem to understand the full range of capacity that might be created from one resource investment. We help you engage all the right stakeholders, and develop high-level communication and granular task management to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget.


Collection Assessment
and Planning

Closely evaluating your existing holdings can help you understand what is overrepresented, what is missing, and what supports and does not support the mission. The assessment provides the starting place in planning for the future to ensure that your collection is a sharply honed tool for public engagement.


Deaccession and Disposal

Deaccession and disposal projects can clear out redundant or mission-irrelevant objects freeing resources to care for what's important.